Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan Update
The Town of Avon is updating our Comprehensive Plan to meet the challenges and opportunities the Town of Avon faces today and in the future. Last completed in 2016, the process will include three phases: Listening, Visioning, and Implementing. Join the discussion today!
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Project Updates
We are updating the Town of Avon's Comprehensive Plan to reflect the challenges and opportunities the Town we face today and in the future.
Changes to demographics, development trends, technology, and state and local law affect how people live, work, travel and play in the community. An updated Comprehensive Plan reflecting these new realities will guide Avon's future growth and development.
The planning process will be divided into three main phases: a Listening phase, Visioning phase, and Implementing phase. This three-phase approach will:
- Define our vision for Avon's future
- Establish goals
- Set a framework for future decision making.
This Plan will be a blueprint for the future development of the Town. The Plan will be flexible, adaptative, and will be in harmony with the vision that residents have for our community.
To guide this process, a Comprehensive Plan Committee has been formed, consisting of five Town residents with backgrounds in planning, economic development, environmental engineering, architecture and downtown revitalization, and agriculture.
The Comprehensive Plan is a document that will guide future development and land use in the Town of Avon. It includes a long-term vision, short- and long-range goals, and community objectives. The Plan provides a framework for decision-makers to guide the future development and land use in the Town of Avon. The Comprehensive Plan is the basis of land use and zoning regulations and will provide a nexus between the community's future vision and the regulation of private property. Once completed this Plan may directly or indirectly inform several Town functions such as:
- Grant acquisition
- Zoning, subdivision, and land development
- Budgeting and capital improvement
- Cultural and economic development efforts
The Plan also describes the current state of development and land use in the community, as well as its residents’ vision, preferences, and goals for their community’s future. The Town of Avon’s Comprehensive Plan is a future-oriented guidance document that provides goals and strategies to attain a long-term vision for our community.
The Plan covers a wide variety of topics, as listed below, and each will describe existing conditions, public priorities, and goals and strategies aligned with our overarching community vision. Overall, the Plan represents a blueprint for growth and development and lays the foundation for planning and decision-making in the Town.
Comprehensive plans are not static and should be reviewed periodically and updated to ensure they remain relevant and adaptable to changing circumstances and priorities. The Town of Avon’s current Comprehensive Plan was adopted on December 29, 2016, and may not reflect the challenges and opportunities the Town of Avon currently faces today or will face in the future. Changes to demographics, development trends, technology, state and local laws, and many other factors affect how people live, work, travel and play in the community. As a result, an updated Comprehensive Plan is needed to reflect these new realities and plans for the Town’s future growth and development.
A comprehensive plan covers several topics; everything from demographic trends to transportation, and natural resources in the Town. To learn more about each of the topics that will be covered in the Plan Update click here
Meet the steering committee that is leading the charge in updating the Town of Avon's Comprehensive Plan. You can also see past meeting agendas. click here